Szczegóły książki Pollutants transport phenomena seminar. Exercises description

Inżynieria środowiska

Pollutants transport phenomena seminar. Exercises description

ISBN: 978-83-7348-399-6

Rok wydania: 2012

Język wydania: angielski

Liczba stron: 77


Książkę można pobrać bezpłatnie ze strony Pomorskiej Biblioteki Cyfrowej.
The book can be downloaded from the Pomeranian Digital Library’s website.


The content of this textbook covers exercises included within the Seminar part of the Pollutants Transport Phenomena course delivered by the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering within the syllabus of Environmental Protection and Management studies. Information and additional materials included in the textbook are intended to help students better understand processes governing transport of substances in the environment and prepare reports from seminars.

The textbook is divided into two parts. The first part contains basic information about organization of seminars as well as guidelines on report preparation; the second part comprises of separate instructions for each exercise. Every instruction includes theoretical introduction about the process in question, description of how to perform the practical part and present the obtained results as well as list of elements that should be included in the report. Exercises are divided into three thematic blocks: exercises 1, 2 and 3 concern physical properties of suspensions, exercises 4, 5 and 6 – meteorology, exercise 7 – basic hydraulics and hydrology.

The textbook has been additionally supplied with an English-to Polish dictionary of important terms that appear throughout the text. As such, the textbook may stand alone as a separate source of information, especially that giving the dual nature of the subject itself, some exercises are conducted before corresponding information is provided during the lectures.

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