Szczegóły książki Mechanics of pollutants transfer


Mechanics of pollutants transfer

Seria: Pomorska Biblioteka Cyfrowa

ISBN: 978-83-7348-268-5

Numer wydania: 2

Rok wydania: 2009

Język wydania: angielski

Liczba stron: 112


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Profil naukowy Autorów (MOST Wiedzy) – Jerzy M. Sawicki
Scientific profile (Bridge of Knowledge) – Jerzy M. Sawicki

Słowa kluczowe / Key words: general remarks, physical system, state variables, unit processes, real and averaged variables, characteristic of substances, modelling of real processes, determination of fluid velocity, turbulence, simplified models of flow, suspension transfer in a fluid medium, dissolved matter transfer, heat transfer

All undertakings in the ways of environment protection and engineering are, of interdisciplinary character. They can be realised only in consequence of a, harmonious co-operation among specialists of different branches.  It is obvious that none of the ecological intentions can be successfully put, into effect on the base of a qualitative concept only. Performing workers have, always to carry out quantitative calculations, which enable them to foresee and, properly design the course of considered phenomena and processes. An especially important role is played here by a technique of simulation and forecasting, of pollutants transfer in the human natural environment.

This book contains a course in the fundamentals of mass and heat transfer, mechanics. It sets out to present in an accessible form the main concepts and, methods of flow description of pure fluids, solutions, mixtures and suspensions.

The contents of this textbook can serve as a basic, simplified course of the, subject, which gives possibility of a fruitful co-operation with specialists in, transfer processes, but can be also a convenient startpoint for further, more profound studies.

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