ISBN: 978-83-7348-564-8
Numer wydania: 1
Rok wydania: 2014
Język wydania: angielski
Liczba stron: 227
Książkę można pobrać bezpłatnie ze strony Pomorskiej Biblioteki Cyfrowej.
The book can be downloaded from the Pomeranian Digital Library’s website (free of charge).
Scientific profile (Bridge of Knowledge): Jan Daciuk
Słowa kluczowe / Key words: compression of automata, finite-state automata, hashing, incremental construction of automata, minimization of automata
This book is conceived as an effort to gather all algorithms and methods developed or codeveloped by the author of the book that concern three aspects of optimization of automata: incrementality, hashing, and compression. Some related algorithms and methods are given as well when they are needed to complete the picture. The author worked on the algorithms while preparing tools for natural language processing, and that domain remains their most frequent application area. This does not exclude other uses.
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