Szczegóły książki Selected topics in general and inorganic chemistry


Selected topics in general and inorganic chemistry

ISBN: 978-83-7348-458-0

Numer wydania: 3

Rok wydania: 2012

Język wydania: angielski

Liczba stron: 85


Książkę można zakupić w e-sklepie Politechniki Gdańskiej.
The book is available in Gdańsk Tech's bookstore

Profil naukowy Autorów (MOST Wiedzy) / Scientific profileAnna Dołęga, Bogusław Dręczewski, Jarosław Chojnacki

Słowa kluczowe / Key words: qualitative analysis of cations, acid-base equilibria, basic chemical principles, chemical equations, stoichiometry, solutions, electrolytes, buffers and hydrolysis, analytical groups, separation and identification of cations in mixtures

The authors would like to explain here the reasons for writing yet another handbook of general and inorganic chemistry. This book is meant for students of interdisciplinary Environmental Protection and Management course, who study inorganic chemistry for several weeks only. Within so short time careful selection of material had to be done. Our aim was to make students acquainted with very basic chemical knowledge such as writing and balancing chemical equations, doing stoichiometric calculations and distinguishing between a true solution and suspended matter. We hope that on completion of this course students will be able to recognize at least some of chemical problems. 


There are many good inorganic chemistry handbooks and we recommend some of the titles here. We are perfectly aware of the fact that we are not capable of writing a better one. The problem is that those books are rather expensive and out of reach for an average student of Faculty of Chemistry. Thus, with full consciousness of creating a book, which did not stand a chance of being better in any respect than its precedents, we felt obliged to write it. We hope that our effort will be of some use.

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